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2018 - Another truly Great Year !!

Andrew JK Tan

It's that time of the year again where I covey my appreciation to all of you out there.

No matter how I look at it, 2018 has been a fantastic year where I have learnt & accomplished much. These highlights could not have been achieved without the help & support from the partners that I have had the privilege to work with.

Most importantly though is the support & friendship from ALL my friends & supporters, without all of you all these partnerships & highlights does not mean much. Of course I have NOT forgotten the support from my wife & children. THANK YOU !!

I also want to take this opportunity to wish everyone HAPPY HOLIDAYS , STAY SAFE & A FANTASTIC 2019 !!

You can stop reading now ha ha , but if you are still keen here's a quick recap for the year .......


So here goes , let me first mention my sincere & hearfelt THANKS to NIKON SINGAPORE & of course the fantastic staff whom I have had the pleasure to interact with. I have been so fortunate to have this relationship with Nikon.

THANK YOU for the Nikon D850 sponsorship and just recently the latest Nikon Z6 sponsorship.

Thanks for the opportunities to teach at Nikon School

Thanks for all the visibility provided in the photography exhibitions , talks & Nikon's social media platforms

Most importantly , thanks to Nikon hardware which I can always rely on in delivering the results my clients expect !!

NiSi Filters Singapore

Next, I want to thank Peter Quek / NiSi Filters Singapore for their valuable sponsorship of the incredible High Definition Glass filters and the S5 Pro filter holder system for use with my Nikkor 14-24mm f2.8 lens. Only the BEST for my Nikkor system !

Singapore Tourism Board

I also want to convey my heartfelt thanks to the Singapore Tourism Board for their continued trust in me over these many years.

2018 has been a great year with the many projects & opportunities of working together including the Formula 1 Aerial shoot. To more years to come.

I also want to thank Ngee Ann Polytechnic , URA , NParks , Pico Pro , SportSG for continuing to partner with me in 2018 in various projects throughout the year.

- Ngee Ann Polytechnic : photography workshops & accepting me as an Associate Trainer

- URA : image refresh photography

- Pico Pro : events photography small & large

- SportSG : sports photography

- NParks : wildlife / landscape photography , invited as judge two years in a row

C4 PhotoSafaris

One major milestone accomplished for the very 1st time was being a Safari Photography Guide with C4 Photosafaris in September 2018.

I had a great experience & definitely the time of my life. Thanks to Shem Compion & Andrea Cloete for the support.

I want to mention that being a guide was a great responsibility in making sure the participants get the right education and nailing their shots during every game drive. In addition , I still had to nail my own shots and use these shots to motivate the participants further.

Thank you Shem Compion & Andre Cloete !


Year 2018 was another great year for travel photography. Thank the Lord that I am still mobile enough & still have reasonably good health allowing me to visit these new locations and countries.

- Costa Rica ...... Wildlife Photography

- Brunei ..... Wildlife Photography

- Masai Mara , Nairobi - Kenya ..... Wildlife Photography

- Nha Trang - Vietnam ... Landscape-Travel Photography

- Bacolod City - Philippines .... Cultural Photography

- Sihanoukville , Phnom Penh - Cambodia ..... People photography / Charity Work

For year 2019 , I am definitely not taking my health & fitness for granted. I am going to workout much more consistently , watch my diet to achieve an even healthier lifestyle. The good news is that I have already started before the year is out.


I want to sincerely thank Michael Kane getting me involved and sponsoring the trip to Sihanoukville , Cambodia.

The trip gave me the opportunity to use photography to help M'Lop Tapang in their quest to help out the kids in Sihanoukville. THANK YOU MIKE !!!


A little unfortunate here that both my sons could not join in the Seoul vacation as they could not free their schedules. This is a challenge for sure , I definitely need to do better on getting everyone together.

Thanks for reading and supporting my blogs.

Stay safe & healty everyone. Have a fantastic 2019 !

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